This steamboat wreck near Goat Island is likely the remnants of the North Alabama, which hit a snag and sank on October 27, 1870 while transporting supplies to Crow Creek. The following images were taken during visits to the site of the wreck in an attempt to determine the identity of the boat. At this time, no positive identification has been made.

View a PDF of the North Alabama investigation


Image of the North Alabama

(Click on thumbnail for larger image)

from: Packets to Paradise, Steamboating to Fort Benton by John G. Lepley

Wreck Location Images

(Click on thumbnail for larger image)

Image Gallery of Site Visits

Numbers following date are discharge from Gavins Point Dam (cfs) and river stage at Maskell, NE.

March 13, 2004 (10,000) (19.14)

March 20, 2004 (16,000) (20.42)

October 11, 2004 (12,000) (20.03)

October 24, 2004 (11,000) (19.54)

November 16, 2004 (9,000) (18.91)

March 14, 2005 (~9,000) (~19.25)